Court Administration

Court Administration is responsible for the management of court operations as directed by the Judges, through the Administrative Judge. These administrative functions include financial management and budget, information technology, human resources, purchasing, inventory management, training and staff development.

In addition, administration conducts strategic planning to initiate organizational goals, values and policy development to ensure compliance with applicable rules, statutes and accreditation standards. It is also tasked with maintaining open communication with governmental, community, professional, and private organizations that impact court operations. The Court Administrator is also responsible for overseeing the non-judicial functions of the Court, including the following departments:

Richard Barrett
IT Director
(440) 329-5332
Brad Clark
Administrative Assistant
(440) 328-2264
Sherry Clouser
Court Administrator
(440) 328-2266
Deborah Tansey
Deputy Court Administrator
(440) 328-2171