Jury Duty

Lorain County Court of Common Pleas

225 Court Street, First Floor
Elyria, Ohio 44035
Phone: (440) 328-2240/2241
Fax: (440) 328-2242
Email: jury@loraincounty.us

Guidelines for Jury Duty

Please read this entire guide before calling with any questions. Jury Commissioners are available to answer questions between the hours of 10 AM – 2 PM. Be advised that we receive a high volume of calls, so your patience is appreciated.

During the three week period for which you are summoned for service, all jury groups must check-in daily after 3:30 PM to determine whether you must report to the JusticeCenter. You can call the numbers listed above (please listen to the entire message) or go to visit our page of Jury Instructions, or simply type www.loraincounty.us/jury.

Your Summons and photo I.D. You may want to bring something to occupy your time in case of delays. Snacks and lidded beverages are permitted in the Jury Assembly area but not in the courtrooms.

You will be reporting to the jury assembly area located at 225 Court Street, Elyria, Ohio. Juror parking is available at the Washington Avenue parking lot. You may walk to the Justice Center located at 225 Court St. or take the free shuttle bus service. Jurors who are handicapped or who have mobility issues should contact the Jury Commissioners for additional parking options. Feel free to download a Map of Downtown Elyria to plan your route.

Once instructed to report to the justice center, you may or may not be selected to serve as a juror in a trial. The Jury Commissioners are required to have a sufficient number of jurors for all anticipated trials. The jury staff tries to carefully estimate the number of jurors needed but there are many variables outside their control. For example, a defendant may plea to a different charge or a case may settle at the last moment. Trials vary in length, but generally last approximately one week. If a trial settles, jurors are usually done by 12 PM. Please remember to check back after 3:30 PM for the next day’s instructions.

Yes. If you are instructed to report and are released before 12 PM you will receive $10. If you are selected to hear a case or are released after 12 PM you will receive $25. You will receive payment within 4-8 weeks of your service.

Yes. If you are a full-time student (day classes only), have a prepaid vacation or business trip that conflicts with your jury service, have a temporary medical condition that leaves you unable to serve, or are out of state during the period you are required to serve. You must be able to serve within 12 months and you must submit documentation supporting your request for postponement. Postponement requests are limited. To receive favorable consideration submit your request as soon as possible.

Yes, if you meet one of the following criteria. Important - do not assume that you are exempt from service. You are required to report unless you receive confirmation from the jury commissioners of your exemption.

  • No longer a resident of Lorain County, Ohio. You must submit documentation with your new address (license, current utility bill, voter registration). You should also contact the Lorain County Board of Elections (440-326-5900) regarding your change in residence.
  • Deceased. If you are the next of kin, please return the questionnaire and summons noting the Juror’s name, date of death, and a contact number for any questions. Also, please contact the Lorain County Board of Elections (440-326-5900).
  • Military. If you are on active duty you must submit documentation with your order status.
  • Age 75 and older. You may decline jury service if you so choose. On the jury questionnaire, only fill in your name, phone number, and date of birth. However, should you wish to serve, please complete the entire questionnaire.
  • Cloistered member of a religious organization or an active member of a recognized Amish Sect.
  • Mentally or physically unable to serve. You must submit documentation from a licensed physician verifying that a mental or physical condition renders you unfit for jury service.
  • Jury service would otherwise cause undue or extreme physical or financial hardship to you or a person under your care or supervision. Undue or extreme physical or financial hardship does not exist solely based on the fact you will be required to be absent from your place of employment. You must submit documentation which clearly supports the request to be excused.

Thank you for your cooperation!
-Jury Commissioners-