Jury Instructions

Updated Daily After 4:00 pm

This Page Last Updated: February 7, 2025 at 11:56 AM.

Scam Alert

Please be advised of the following Scam Alert from the Lorain County Sheriff Concerning Jury Duty:

No law enforcement agency will ever call you to solicit gift cards to clear up warrants. Lorain County Sheriff has issued this Scam Alert.

As a result of the Pandemic, The Judges of Lorain County Common Pleas Court are assessing the needs of the court on a day-to-day basis.

Health and Safety During Jury Service Masks and hand sanitizer are available.

Jury Panels
2251 - 2252 - 2253 - 2254

(Serving February 10, 2025 through February 21, 2025)

2247 - 2248 - 2249 - 2250

(Serving February 10, 2025 through February 21, 2025)

Panels are REQUIRED to follow the directions below concerning Jury service:

Initial call in for juror updates:

Friday, February 21, 2025, after 4:00 p.m.

Questionaire Due

Tuesday, February 04, 2025; *NOTE: Due to the US Post Office Mail delivery issues; If possible, Fax: 440-328-2242 or Email jury@loraincommonpleas.us (Refer to Jury Guide)

Read your Summons

Please read your Summons and both sides of the Jury Guide BEFORE phoning the Jury Commissioners office with questions. Jury Commissioners are available for questions between the hours of 10 am - 12 pm Noon, and, 1 pm - 2 pm. You may also Fax or Email your juror questionnaire to the Jury Commissioners.

Current Jury Panel: 2250

This panel is required to report on Monday, February 3rd, 2025 @ 9:00 a.m. Park at the Washington Avenue Parking Lot and take the free shuttle bus service or walk 10-15 minutes to the Justice Center located at 225 Court Street. Bring your summons, Photo ID, and leave all sharp objects and mace in your vehicle. Snacks and beverages with lids can be used in the jury assembly area. Please be prompt.

Current Jury Panel: 2247

This panel is required to report on Monday, February 3rd, 2025 @ 10:00 a.m. Park at the Washington Avenue Parking Lot and take the free shuttle bus service or walk 10-15 minutes to the Justice Center located at 225 Court Street. Bring your summons, Photo ID, and leave all sharp objects and mace in your vehicle. Snacks and beverages with lids can be used in the jury assembly area. Please be prompt. 

Remaining Jury Panels: 2248 & 2249

These panels are not required to report in on Monday, February 3rd, 2025. However, these panels must check back after 4:00 p.m. on Monday, February 3rd, 2025, for your updated jury instructions.


*Note: You may also call 440-328-2240 or 440-328-2241 for your instructions. Be advised that we receive a high volume of phone calls, so your patience is appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation.


Free parking is provided in the City of Elyria Public Parking Lot on Washington Avenue. This parking lot is serviced by the Lorain County Transit Downtown Elyria Loop Service between 7:28 am and 4:40 pm. This is a free service. Please see the link for the Downtown Elyria Loop Map & Schedule.

Weather Updates

If the Justice Center is closed due to severe weather conditions, this information will be broadcast through local Radio or TV communications. You can also call the Jury Commissioner's office for weather updates.

Contact the Jury Commissioners

Hours Available: 8 am - 3:30 pm 
Phones: 440-328-2240,  or 440-328-2241  Email:   jury@loraincommonpleas.us ,  Fax: 440-328-2242

Please email (preferred) jury@loraincommonpleas.us or call for questions only (not Jury Instructions). When sending a fax message, email, or leaving a voicemail, please include your Jury Panel number, Seat #, your name with the correct spelling, and phone number.